
[Resolved] Security Issue

It had been brought to our attention that for several users (especially those utilizing Google Chrome), HAL-ES started showing up as a "Not Secure" website. The issue stemmed from our certificate issuing authority no longer being trusted by Google and several other internet browser companies. We worked diligently to obtain a new security certificate for our website and associated services. One… [read more →]

Advanced Search

Today we're introducing advanced search for our verified users! Advanced search lets you dial your searches down to more specific results. Whether you're looking for only Level I trauma centers or if you're looking for hospitals that offer Level II+ or Higher Perinatal Services, advanced search lets you find exactly what you're looking for. As part of our ongoing expansion, we're going to be… [read more →]

Already Eying Expansion...

After a careful audit of our databases and usage statistics, we've realized that we need to start thinking about expanding the reach of our product. In our promo video, we stated that we're "starting in Illinois, and hopefully expanding nationwide." Based on the amount of transports that we perform, and the locations that we perform them to; We decided to follow a logical flow of expansion. … [read more →]