##General Topics
- (link: faqs/whatishales text: What is HAL-ES?)
- (link: blog/welcome text: Why did you do this?)
- (link: faqs/hows-hales-different text: How is HAL-ES different than other apps?)
- (link: faqs/witwics text: Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?)
- (link: faqs/is-there-an-app text: Is there an app?)
- (link: faqs/how-do-i-tell-others text: How do I tell others?)
- (link: faqs/why-ads text: Why are there advertisements?)
##Common Errors and Problems
- (link: faqs/cant-find-closest text: Why can't you find my closest facility?)
## Security and Privacy
- (link: faqs/is-hales-safe text: Is HAL-ES Safe?)
- (link: faqs/privacy-error text: My connection isn't Private? What?!)
- (link: faqs/isnt-it-unsafe text: Isn't it unsafe to have all this information in one place?)
- (link: faqs/information-to-3rd-parties text: Do you give my information to 3rd parties?)
- (link: faqs/location-storage-and-tracking text: Do you store my Location / Track Me?)
- (link: faqs/update-info text: How do I update information that is no longer correct?)
- (link: faqs/agency-contact text: Hey, I work for [AGENCY] and would like to work with you! Who can I talk to?)
##Account Questions
- (link: faqs/who-can-sign-up text: Who can sign up for HAL-ES?)
- (link: faqs/how-to-verify text: How do I become Verified?)
- (link: faqs/why-disabled text: My Account has been disabled, Why?)
- (link: faqs/other-questions text: I have a question or a problem that hasn't been answered here, what do I do?)
- (link: faqs/who-are-you-whowho-whowho text: Who are you guys?)
- (link: faqs/hiring text: Are you hiring?)
- (link: faqs/how-can-i-help text: How can I help?)
- (link: faqs/will-you-expand-other-states text: Will you expand to other states?)
- (link: faqs/payments text: Who do you use for processing payments?)